
"The essence of our life is space. Without it, our body is merely a corpse of skin, bones and muscles. Every seven years our body undergoes a change, but the unchanging factor is space- the akasa within us. The quality of space is the essence of architecture."

Ranga Consultants

Harmonization/Correction of existing built spaces without demolishing

It is easy to see how much harm human activates do to the world. We can look at almost every product as bought at the price of environmental or human damage. If we aim to build architecture, which has a health giving influence, we need responsible foundations. Different climates require different building forms. Hot climates need shaded, airy spaces, such as verandas or courtyards. Different humidity, temperature and night / day variations have led to different traditional materials and natural cooling layouts which give raise to vernacular forms ranging from large ventilated roof spaces to high thermal capacity mud - brick buildings.





Traditional building forms are not to copy; copies are so dead. We need however to be sure that we have carefully thought about what previous generations took for granted before we depart too radically from them. For example, tables of comfort / temperature can take into account of whether heating is radiant “ in which case the air should be cooler “ or convected. Forced air convection may create the right temperature but not comfort, for duct friction can reduce the ionized content of air by upto 95 percent and adversely alter the balance between positive and negative ions. Many people experience headaches and lethargy when the ion content is low and positive ions predominate.

In ancient times, architecture was not only a creation of form to limit or define space, but was inherently a sacred form, a three dimensioned mandala. All cultures took into consideration their understanding of the varied subtle effects of the environment, both natural and built, on the human system. With this knowledge, termed Geomancy, our ancestors created forms that were in harmony with the laws of the greater creation that surround us; forms that live not in time, but outgrown time and live in eternity. Theirs was a magic of numbers, a sacredness of proportion and materials, a mysticism of harmonics and colors critical choice of right location and right moment in time, so that matter and form expressed in an infinite number of ways the cosmic truths, and made us experience the multiple attributes of the infinite.

Today, a branch of modern science known as Geobiology dedicates itself to the principles on which these laws were based. The initial conclusions reveal much about the formidable knowledge and mastery of the ancient geomancers in the Indian subcontinent and other civilizations.

Architectural Relationship

In the already built environments, one can only study the different energy radiations, and find ways and means of harmonizing and neutralizing them. This is very much more complex and difficult as it is not normally possible to rebuild or reorient buildings. In a new structure a lot of things can be easily taken care of in establishing the right energy levels by the use of materials such as lime, sandstone, limestone, marble, etc. But, to be effective, these need to be fixed in limemotar instead of cement.

Steel reinforcements in columns, beams, slabs and walls create a sort of cage of Faraday. We could say that we are living in a highly charged environment between two plates of a condenser. To neutralize this it is necessary to establish good earthing for the steel reinforcements so that the ionization factor is neutralized, and the body therefore, not stressed.

The form of the building, its orientation, the symmetry of its door and window openings and their proper alignments, the layout of the different rooms, all these and more are factors that, if considered at the design stage, help the harmonization of energy fields and their effects on our body. The subtle relationship that exists between the orientations and the different types of energy radiations that relate to the energy axis in our body is the key to understanding the relationship between the energy fields of man and buildings. Basically, the orientations of buildings according to their forms, materials used, proportions, etc., play a powerful role in creating either the right or harmonious environment, or a wrong and negative environment that affects us socially, psychologically, mentally and spiritually.

The form of a house / apartment etc., creates an energy field that is termed the Central Energy Point or Energy of Form which is a Cosmo-Telluric Energy Column, radiating in ten directions “east, west, north, south, north-east, north-west, south-west, south-east, nadir and zenith “ all earth, environmental and cosmic energies coming through and existing in the place concerned. These directly affect the human body at the different points of our energy centers or charkas, being not necessarily the same for man and woman, from above the head to below the feet.

The form, proportions, materials used in the house or apartment create another set of energy fields that are complimentary to the Central Energy Column, and which affect the energy fields within the living space with respect to the six orientations and nadir and zenith at each of these eight orientation points. The understanding of the effects of the various subtle energy fields with the energy axis of the body and with the ten orientations is the prime factor harmonizing us with our built environment.

We do not have then to worry about how to neutralize each radiation source separately; we have to only harmonize them by acting on the eight outward orientation points, and on the ninth, which the Central Cosmo Telluric Energy Column.

Harmonisation / Correction of Existing Buildings with out Demolition includes

  • Undertake “energy audit” of the given space using the leacher antenea.
  • Analyse the audited space for the scale and proportions of the client.
  • Execute corrections / harmonization using specially developed “energy pellets” that harmonises the given space at the “energy” level, thereby, completely avoiding disturbing the existing structure physically, while at the same time the incorporated corrections are highly effective.

Geo-Bio Energization


In the late 1970’s a German physician, Dr.Ernst Hartmann, developed an instrument, the Lobe Antenna, to identify what he discovered was a grid of energy lines emanating from the earth’s surface and circumscribing the globe. This energy is oriented magnetically in the north-south direction at 2 m intervals, and in the east-west direction at 2.5 m intervals, and is now called the Hartmann’s Grid. These energy fields are termed Bio-Electro-Magnetic fields (BEM), and the last two decades of research reveal that the radiations from the surface of the earth, termed ‘telluric’, are BEM energy grids of twenty types (apart from the harmful BEM energy fields of underground water streams, faults in the earth and cavities). Of these twenty, normally four are important for man.

That the existence of these energy fields was known in ancient times is revealed by various structures: The old monasteries in the Himalaya orient the houses and cells for monks such that they are contained within the BEM grids in what is normally a neutral zone. Menheirs (megaliths) dotting the surface of the earth from the far east to Ireland, built over 4000 years ago, were located specifically on the most negative energy points nodes or intersections of BEM grids, so that because of their material, form etc., they transform the negative telluric vibrations into positive. They continue to perform even today. The Dolmen acts as a receiver.

The Romans oriented all their buildings in their villages, towns and cities with respect to the 2nd Global BEM grids. They used the terms, Maximus Cardo for the north-south direction and the term Maximus Decumanus for the east-west direction. All their roads for conquest followed BEM grids that are much larger; having their energy lines Maximus Maximorum at grid distances of 2 to 3 Kms. Interestingly the width of Maximus Maximorun is 1.35m, which is also the width of the Roman chariots. The Romans, being aware of the negative energy of these lines, manipulated the grid, rendered it positive and used it to reduce fatigue amongst their marching soldiers and charioteers.

The ancient Celts also originated all their buildings with respect to the 2nd Diagonal BEM grids, as is evident from the studies of their ancient sites. In ancient India, both the 2nd Global and 2nd Diagonal were used in the concept of the eight Dishas, more specifically in the orientation of the temples and with respect to residential areas, as is clearly explained in the Vaasthu Shastras.

The direction of the flow of energies of these telluric grids is from the north to south and east to west. Research has reveled that that the intensity of these BEM telluric grids in the Indian subcontinent is not consistent throughout the day and year. There are cyclic variations, but these have a fixed pattern, and these patterns exactly match the concept of Kaal and Ghadi in India, that is 8 Ghadis from sun raise to sun set and 8 Ghadis from sunset to sun raise, each Ghadi being one and a half hour duration.

The causes of these variations are still a matter of research, but it is amazing how our forefathers had an exact and intimate knowledge of these energy fields, their direct and subtle effect on the human system, and amazing too how they developed the ways and means to master these and manipulate them to the desired intensities for our benefit.


In the late 1970’s a German physician, Dr.Ernst Hartmann, developed an instrument, the Lobe Antenna, to identify what he discovered was a grid of energy lines emanating from the earth’s surface and circumscribing the globe. Today, we have the Lecher Antenna, which is also used to identify these earth energy grids. This energy is oriented magnetically in the north-south direction at 2 m intervals, and in the east-west direction at 2.5 m intervals, and is now called the Hartmann’s Grid. These energy fields are termed Bio-Electro-Magnetic fields (BEM), and the last two decades of research reveal that the radiations from the surface of the earth, termed ‘telluric’, are BEM energy grids of twenty types (apart from the harmful BEM energy fields of underground water streams, faults in the earth and cavities). Of these twenty, normally four are important for man.

The effect of these BEM grids from earth on man is affected through the ‘energy axis’ in the human body. An ‘energy axis’ is a concentrated linear and pulsating BEM energy field in the human body with a characteristic BEM wavelength. There are four major types of energy axes in the body -

  • Vertical Energy Axis, in line with the body.
  • Horizontal Energy Axis
  • Perpendicular energy axis at right angle to both
  • Diagonal set of energy Axis at forty-five degrees to the vertical axis and perpendicular to each other.

The BEM energy axes of the human body are affected by the BEM radiations of the environment, which are very concentrated, linear and form a vertical plane of radiation field in various directions. When the human body comes into alignment with any of these concentrated BEM radiation fields around us, the BEM energy axes of the human body are thrown out of the body system. The further the energy axis moves out of the human system, the greater the health problem. These have their impacts through the important energy points known as ‘chakras’.

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We believe in combining creative vision with practicality, creating functional and inspiring spaces tailored to our clients' needs.


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Ar. Anirudh. J

Principal Architect

Ar. R. Jagannathan

Principal Geo-Biologist